New online platform for young people across Kirklees

An exciting new collaboration will soon see the launch of an online virtual youth centre that will host live and recorded sessions, live chat and online activities for young people across Kirklees.

As of Monday 1st June, local young people aged 12-19 will be able to visit Youth Central, a space designed for them to have instant access to a range of activities, support and opportunities at the click of a button.

Sessions such as fitness, beauty, self-care, gaming and arts and craft will run Monday- Friday, hosted by youth workers from across Kirklees. Some sessions will be ‘live’ over Zoom, giving young people the opportunity to interact ‘face-to-face’ with youth workers, other sessions will be available pre-recorded to access at their convenience. All activities are designed to be fun and engaging, with young people being instrumental in the development of the platform.

Being a teenager in lockdown can be a very tough and lonely time, Youth Central is a way for young people to stay connected and build their own sense of community in a supportive environment. The live chat service, ‘Speak to a Youth Worker’ will give young people daily access to trained youth workers who will listen, signpost and offer ideas for things to do whilst in lockdown.

Youth Central will provide information on; careers, training, support services, good news stories, competitions, social action and opportunities after school. The platform is a longer term strategy for youth engagement and is designed to be just as relevant beyond Covid 19, embracing the changing face of youth work.

In early April, Conscious Youth, developed the idea for the platform and soon gained the support and backing of Kirklees Council and Kirklees Youth Alliance who are now key partners. The platform is a fantastic opportunity for more collaborative work between local community organisations, businesses and Kirklees Council.

Organisations, businesses and young people who would like to be involved in the new virtual youth centre please contact ​[email protected]​ or 07498043637.

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